On the Reference Scenario the rate of growth in demand for this energy source would be 1.5% per year, and demand would expand even on the strict 450 Scenario. On the Reference Scenario, 80% of the increase in demand for natural gas between 2007 and 2030 would come from countries outside the OECD.
Other conclusions drawn in the study regarding natural gas include the following:
On the European scene, and in the short term, Eurogas expects demand in the European Union to rise by 1% in 2010, following the substantial fall seen in 2009.
In 2009 Cedigaz performed a number of medium-term natural gas market research studies.. One of these was presented at the World Gas Congress held in Buenos Aires. According to the High Demand Scenario, European demand for gas will rise from 568 bcm in 2008 to 692 bcm by 2020, a year-on-year rate of increase of 1.6%.
The rise will be higher over the period 2012 to 2017. Four markets (the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and Turkey) will account for almost 60% of this growth.
The share of gas usage in power generation will rise four points by 2020. The use of gas to generate electricity could account for 60% of the absolute growth in gas demand in the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria and Ireland, and more than 45% in Italy, Spain, Turkey, France and Belgium.
The contextual forecast (2011 to 2020) is as follows:
On the Low Demand Scenario, forecasting economic growth of less than 2% per year, a context of low energy prices and CO2 at $20/Tm, gas consumption in Europe would be expected to rise at a rate of 1.3%, up to 665 bcm by 2020, with the share of natural gas rising from 24% in 2008 to 25% in 2020.
At the most recent World Gas Congress the IGU Strategy, Economy and Regulation Committee presented its report which, among other aspects, deals with energy demand in 2030, including natural gas demand. The following points should be highlighted: