Currently, Gazprom supplies 47% of the European imports of natural gas.
Europe has been steadily increasing the arrival of natural gas in the last years, in spite of the slowing down or decline of consumption. The United Kingdom is already an important world market and Spain is still among those in first place in the world ranking.
On Tuesday, November 8, 2011 the Nord Stream pipeline was inaugurated. In its first phase, one of its two lines is operating. It is 1,224 kilometers long, passing through most of the marine layer in the Baltic Sea.
Europe is still working to create one or more routes to the south to supply the continent. The South Stream pipeline and the Nabucco pipeline are the two most notable pipelines of this strategy, although a final decision has not been made regarding investment in either one of them. The former is promoted by Gazprom and the latter by the European Commission.
The domestic production of natural gas in Europe dropped 8.2% according to Cedigaz estimates, a larger drop than that which was originally predicted. The gas deliveries from Norway and The Netherlands were reduced due to the drop in European demand and the predilection for LNG importation because it is more competitive. The supply is also affected by production suspension for maintenance purposes in Norway and The Netherlands. In Norway, the Troll field production fell almost 20% in the first three trimesters.