A total of 265,331 GWh was unloaded in the LNG regasification plants in 2011, which was 15.2% less than in 2010. Medgaz and the drop in demand were the main determining factors of this decrease.
A total of 260 tankers were unloaded in Spanish terminals over the course of 2011, which was 19 less than during 2010. In 2011, the 75% unloading ships had a capacity of equal to or greater than 100,000 m3 of LNG, while in 2010 this percentage was 67%.
Spain continues to be ranked first in Europe in terms of the number of its unloading and regasification terminals, and in fact over 31.6% (2010 data) of all LNG delivered to the European Union arrives in Spain. The LNG market boom as was the case in Britain, the increase in terminals in other countries and the loss of power in the Spanish market, have led to a decrease in this ratio.
Overall production from plants in the gas system increased by 18% when compared with 2010, reaching 255.4 TWh (312.4 TWh in 2010). This drop is the logical result of the fall in demand and implies less use of the system’s gas facilities, which makes an adequate amortisations policy difficult.
This activity enabled the offer to be adjusted to the gas requirements of the Spanish system and to harness opportunities provided by the international LNG market.