Initial official 2011 data indicates that total energy consumption reached 130.2 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe), similar to amounts recorded in previous years.
The most significant features regarding the behaviour of each energy type in 2011 were:
Over 2011, several studies focused on a future energy mix: the 2011–2020 Indicative Energy Plan, the Saving and Energy Efficiency Action Plan, the Renewable Energy Plan (PER), the draft of the document for the 2012–2020 Gas and Electricity Sectors Plan.
The Saving and Energy Efficiency Action Plan was sent to Brussels in July 2011, in accordance with Directive 2006/32/EC2 of the European Parliament and the Council, of 5 April 2006.
Primary and end-use energy savings suggested in this document are consistent with the scenarios of primary and end-use energy consumption incorporated in the Indicative Energy Plan outlined in Article 79 of the Sustainable Economy Act 2/2011 and in other planning instruments concerning renewable energy.
Renewable energy fell slightly as regards its market share among primary energy sources to 11.3%.
In keeping with the aforementioned increase in coal consumption as a primary energy source, this energy share grew to 10% in 2011.
Oil is slowly but surely developing a slight downward trend as regards the share (45% in 2011) it represents within the Spanish energy mix, already under 50% over the past few years.