The region which saw the most notable increase in reserves was America, where overall growth was about 5.3%. The largest decline was in Western Europe, with an estimated 5% fall.
The countries which have seen the sharpest upturn in natural gas reserves are Angola, Brazil, Malaysia and Bolivia. Downward revisions were largest in Italy, Papua-New Guinea and the United Kingdom. It should be borne in mind that forecasts of the above factor are only done in countries where new evaluation studies have been carried out (of which there are few).
(Billons de m3)
- North America
- Canada
- Central and South America
- Venezuela
- Bolivia
- Argentina
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Mexico
- Brazil
- Peru
- Western Europe
- Norway
- The Netherlands
- UK
- Germany
- Italy
- Western Europe and CIS
- Russia
- Turkmenistán
- Kazajstan
- Uzbekistan
- Azerbaijan
- Ucrania
- Rumanía
- Africa
- Nigeria
- Argelia
- Egypt
- Libya
- Angola
- Middle East
- Iran
- Qatar
- Arabia Saudita
- Abu Dhabi
- Irak
- Kuwait
- Oman
- Yemen
- Asia-Oceania
- China
- Indonesia
- Australia
- Malasia
- India
- Paquistan
- Papua New Guinea
- Bangladesh
- Brunei
- 6.956
- 5.353
- 1.603
- 7.243
- 4.219
- 782
- 612
- 588
- 421
- 245
- 247
- 6.281
- 3.188
- 1.492
- 905
- 207
- 135
- 57.734
- 48.000
- 2.900
- 1.900
- 1.860
- 1.350
- 1.105
- 305
- 13.925
- 5.055
- 4.545
- 1.756
- 1.491
- 269
- 72.640
- 27.570
- 25.783
- 6.754
- 5.620
- 3.170
- 1.572
- 830
- 479
- 13.925
- 1.823
- 2.770
- 2.594
- 2.464
- 854
- 790
- 428
- 433
- 345
- 178.704
- 7.051
- 5.451
- 1.600
- 7.378
- 4.287
- 757
- 542
- 532
- 419
- 326
- 325
- 6.091
- 3.159
- 1.449
- 826
- 191
- 125
- 57.532
- 47.800
- 2.860
- 1.900
- 1.860
- 1.350
- 1.110
- 295
- 14.118
- 5.117
- 4.545
- 1.869
- 1.491
- 270
- 72.544
- 27.500
- 25.783
- 6.834
- 5.660
- 3.170
- 1.572
- 690
- 479
- 13.819
- 2.020
- 2.769
- 2.403
- 2.272
- 923
- 798
- 428
- 422
- 343
- 178.533
- 7.427
- 5.787
- 1.640
- 7.264
- 4.315
- 740
- 439
- 530
- 412
- 306
- 338
- 5.850
- 3.108
- 1.387
- 728
- 178
- 117
- 57.863
- 47.820
- 2.860
- 1.900
- 1.850
- 1.350
- 1.100
- 628
- 14.280
- 5.154
- 4.504
- 1.895
- 1.491
- 270
- 72.488
- 27.495
- 25.636
- 6.900
- 5.700
- 3.170
- 1.572
- 690
- 479
- 14.455
- 2.270
- 2.769
- 2.429
- 2.480
- 1.101
- 852
- 428
- 407
- 340
- 179.627
- 7.625
- 5.977
- 1.648
- 8.034
- 5.100
- 740
- 446
- 480
- 392
- 348
- 335
- 5.593
- 3.022
- 1.316
- 684
- 155
- 94
- 57.875
- 47.814
- 2.860
- 1.900
- 1.870
- 1.350
- 1.100
- 628
- 14.493
- 5.215
- 4.504
- 2.047
- 1.491
- 270
- 73.031
- 27.575
- 25.636
- 7.154
- 5.700
- 3.170
- 1.780
- 690
- 485
- 15.153
- 3.000
- 2.659
- 2.485
- 2.480
- 1.075
- 865
- 435
- 392
- 331
- 181.804
- 7.828
- 6.173
- 1.655
- 8.674
- 5.565
- 817
- 437
- 480
- 376
- 395
- 319
- 5.320
- 2.905
- 1.316
- 585
- 155
- 54
- 57.874
- 47.814
- 2.860
- 1.900
- 1.870
- 1.350
- 1.100
- 628
- 14.648
- 5.275
- 4.428
- 2.047
- 1.419
- 1.287
- 72.543
- 26.455
- 25.490
- 7.546
- 5.700
- 3.168
- 1.813
- 690
- 485
- 15.005
- 3.000
- 2.553
- 2.455
- 2.745
- 1.075
- 865
- 285
- 392
- 331
- 181.892
- 2,7
- 3,3
- 0,4
- 8,0
- 9,1
- 10,4
- -2,0
- 0,0
- -4,1
- 13,5
- -4,8
- -4,9
- -3,9
- 0,0
- -14,5
- 0,0
- -42,6
- 0,0
- 0,0
- 0,0
- 0,0
- 0,0
- 0,0
- 0,0
- 0,0
- 1,1
- 1,2
- -1,7
- 0,0
- -4,8
- 376,7
- -0,7
- -4,1
- -0,6
- 5,5
- 0,0
- -0,1
- 1,9
- 0,0
- 0,0
- -1,0
- 0,0
- -4,0
- -1,2
- 10,7
- 0,0
- 0,0
- -34,5
- 0,0
- 0,0
- 0,0
- 4,3
- 3,4
- 0,9
- 4,8
- 3,1
- 0,4
- 0,2
- 0,3
- 0,2
- 0,2
- 0,2
- 2,9
- 1,6
- 0,7
- 0,3
- 0,1
- 0,0
- 31,8
- 26,3
- 1,6
- 1,0
- 1,0
- 0,7
- 0,6
- 0,3
- 8,1
- 2,9
- 2,4
- 1,1
- 0,8
- 0,7
- 39,9
- 14,5
- 14,0
- 4,1
- 3,1
- 1,7
- 1,0
- 0,4
- 0,3
- 8,2
- 1,6
- 1,4
- 1,3
- 1,5
- 0,6
- 0,5
- 0,2
- 0,2
- 0,2
- 100
(1) Only the countries with the highest reserves in each area are included. Figures for the beginning of each year.
Source: CEDIGAZ and Oil and Gas Journal. Own source.
The Middle East has 40% of the world’s reserves, followed by Eastern Europe and the countries of the CIS, at 32%, in round figures.
The Russian Federation has the largest known reserves in the world, assessed at 47,800 bcm of gas, 26.3% of the world total.
Iran is second, with 14.5% of the reserves, followed by Qatar (14%), Saudi Arabia (4.1%), Abu Dhabi (3.1%), Venezuela (3%) and Nigeria, with 5,275 bcm of natural gas, equivalent to 2.9% of the world reserves.
Source: BP, CEDIGAZ and Oil and Gas Journal. Own source.
ResThe USA is ranked fifth (3.4%), and it is important to note that the number of natural gas prospections rose because of the price increase in the period 2005-2006, leading to the discovery of new reserves.
Taking only the known deposits, present reserves ensure there will be enough natural gas in the world for about 62 years.
The recorded gas reserves at the end of 2007 were equivalent to a little over 98% of the crude reserves.